MU WordPress Lost Roles on One of the Sites
I run a MU WordPress with several websites. One day I noticed that I was unable to add roles to the people on one of my sites. No matter what I did couldn’t get any roles to appear in the selector. Some how in one of my updates the prefix for this particular site wasn’t updated. I found a post telling me this: Following this line of thinking led me to change that particular database table name. Sure enough renaming the table worked! Previously it was named wp_89_user_roles. It needed to be named 64d_89_user_roles. Problems solved!
BYU Men’s Rugby 2018
Opponent ——— Date ———— Location ——– City —————- @ Wyoming ——- Oct 6, 12pm — Wyoming ——- Laramie, Wyoming @ Utah State —— Oct 13, 1pm —- Utah State —– Logan, Utah Utah State ——— Oct 25, 7pm — Helaman Field – Provo, Utah Wyoming ———- Nov 3, 1 pm —- Helaman Field – Provo, Utah
Elephants in America?
How Product Attribute are Stored in Database
How Product Attribute are Stored in Database
Mass Update Moodle Users to Use LDAP
On your export file export your data with the following format: “username”,”auth”,”firstname”,”lastname”,”email” “lshipley”,”ldap”,”Layne”,”Shipley”,”lshipley@email.com” Select “Users” in the Moodle admin panel Select “Upload Users” under the “Users” panel Upload the file Change “Upload type” to “Update existing users only” Change “Existing user details” to “Override with File” That should do it!
Connecting MySQL ODBC to Use SSL Certificates
Using SSL Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;sslca=c:\cacert.pem; sslcert=c:\client-cert.pem;sslkey=c:\client-key.pem;sslverify=1;Option=3; SSLCA specifies the path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs SSLCERT specifies the name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection. SSLKEY specifies the name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection.
Blank Badges
Great icons to create badges and more. Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Creating Mac OS X Installer Flash Drives
Wilde the New WordPress Editor
Today I’m trying out for the first time “Wilde” the WordPress editor. It seems pretty straight forward. Posts, drafts, pages etc. I did like having my image library right next to my writing. I don’t know if there’s a big advantage of using this tool. WordPress seems easy enough to edit with the “Wilde”. 2 out 5
Wilde the New WordPress Editor
Today I’m trying out for the first time “Wilde” the WordPress editor. It seems pretty straight forward. Posts, drafts, pages etc. I did like having my image library right next to my writing. I don’t know if there’s a big advantage of using this tool. WordPress seems easy enough to edit with the “Wilde”. 2 out 5