Stand Forever
Watching a Seal
ExcuteSQL Dashboards and Charts
ExecuteSQL Function Basics: free training webinar for FileMaker
How Product Attribute are Stored in Database
How Product Attribute are Stored in Database
Mass Update Moodle Users to Use LDAP
On your export file export your data with the following format: “username”,”auth”,”firstname”,”lastname”,”email” “lshipley”,”ldap”,”Layne”,”Shipley”,”lshipley@email.com” Select “Users” in the Moodle admin panel Select “Upload Users” under the “Users” panel Upload the file Change “Upload type” to “Update existing users only” Change “Existing user details” to “Override with File” That should do it!
Connecting MySQL ODBC to Use SSL Certificates
Using SSL Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;sslca=c:\cacert.pem; sslcert=c:\client-cert.pem;sslkey=c:\client-key.pem;sslverify=1;Option=3; SSLCA specifies the path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs SSLCERT specifies the name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection. SSLKEY specifies the name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection.
Blank Badges
Great icons to create badges and more. Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Creating Mac OS X Installer Flash Drives