Computers,  FileMaker

Sending Email via FileMaker and Gmail

Have you ever wanted to send email from FileMaker using Gmail.   The example I use below was done to process email from a FileMaker script.  After choosing the “Send Email” option you need to select “SMTP Server” from the the Send via: drop down.

You then will have this window pop up.
In the “Outgoing SMTP Server:” window type “”.
In the “Port:” window type “465”.
In the “Connection encryption:” drop down choose “SSL”.
In the “Authentication:” drop down choose “Plain Password”.
In the “User Name:” field put your Gmail user name. (note: not your email – the example below is because I use a customized Gmail hosted email)
And finally, in the “Password:” field add you Gmail password.
That should be it.  Everything should be good to go!

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